Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Walk Down Memory Lane

We arrived in Davenport, Iowa on Thursday, June 23rd after a long day of traveling from Ohio. I don't think we'll do a long day like that again!

As many of you know, Ethan and I lived in Davenport the first seven years of our marriage. Sons Ethan and Brad were born here, so we have a lot of fond memories from the years we lived here. Ethan attended Palmer College of Chiropractic and received his degree in 1969 . I also received my PHT (putting hubby through).

We had a good day on Friday revisiting the places we lived, the hospitals where I worked, and the park where we took the boys to feed the ducks. We went to Lock and Dam 15 on the Mississippi River and watched a tow boat take it's load of barges through the lock, and in the evening we walked a couple miles on the walking path along the Mississippi River.

It's been 40 years since we left this part of our country and a lot has changed for sure, but we will always remember the years we lived here--not easy times for us, but we made it through.

Today we went back to the church we attended those seven years. We didn't expect to find anyone there that we knew. Can you believe that it wasn't minutes after entering the church a lady looked at me and asked, "Are you Linda Owen?". She looked familiar to me, but I couldn't remember her name....she was 85 years old and remembered us!

We will leave Davenport tomorrow to continue our adventure, but have enjoyed our time here looking back, and we are thanking God for the way He has lead us over the last 47 years.

This is the church we attended today. The building to the right is the elementary school. When we were here those many years ago, we had just built the school and met in the gym for church. Ethan and I remember laying the sod around the school, and now we know what 40+ year old trees look like!

Ethan checking out the ducks, pelicans and river boat with his new binoculars as we walked the path by the Mississippi River.

Here is the tow boat pushing it's four barges into the lock. The little white dots behind the boat are pelicans.

We are standing on the observation deck at Lock and Dam15. You can see the tow boat in the background as it pushes the barges out of the lock.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Davenport, Iowa

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