Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We left on our trip around 12:30 p.m. today, and traveled to Peekskill, NY. What a beautiful place. We're staying at the Bear Mt. Overlook Lodge tonight, and our room is overlooking water, mountains and paths. It's very peaceful--just what we need.

When Ethan was a young boy, his parents went to Florida every winter, and he remembers coming this way and crossing the big bridge. So, it's been a walk down memory lane for him.

Headed to MD tomorrow and then to Shenendoah National Park...will see if I can post pictures without help when we get to the park!


  1. So fun to read your first posting on your trip. So glad you are off to a good start. Praying that the whole trip will be great and maybe we'll see you in Glacier!!

  2. Hi Mom and Dad,
    It is so great that you are able to enjoy your time to explore the US together, alone! We hope you have a SAFE and enjoyable time. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers and look forward to see where you go next.
    Love always,
    Ethan, Jackie and clan (Ethan, Amber, Michael and Emily)
