Monday, June 27, 2011

Westward Bound

This was taken at Mitchell Lake in Mitchell, South Dakota. Because of all the rain and the flooding, the water is much deeper running over the dam.

We left Davenport on Sunday, June 26 and traveled as far as western Iowa before stopping for the day....very boring traveling on a straight highway with the only scenery being corn fields. I'm very thankful for those corn fields and the farmers who work so hard for us, but after 5 hours of it....I'm done!

This morning we saw the Missouri River overflowing its banks. It was very sad to see all the damage to homes and corn fields. Parts of the highway we were on was closed and we were detoured.

We decided to stop in Mitchell, South Dakota after about 5 hours of traveling today, and pitched our tent at the KOA here-first time on the trip that we've used the tent. The wind was blowing so hard, we about gave up and went to a hotel!!

After dinner, we did a little sight seeing in Mitchell, came back to the campground, played a game of miniature golf and now it's time for bed. Will make it to the Badlands tomorrow.

We visited the Mitchell Corn Palace this evening....a very unique place. Everything you see in this picture is made with corn cobs. Over 250,000 corn cobs are used every year to make new designs on the building!

Flooding in Sioux City. I took the picture as we were crossing a bridge, so can't see a lot of the damage.

MacDonalds is ready for whatever comes! We could not believe all the sand bags around businesses. Some of the farmers built dikes around their fields and homes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Mitchell, South Dakota

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