Monday, August 22, 2011

America The Beautiful -- Our Land of Diversity

Ethan and I have been so blessed this summer to be able to tour our country. It seemed like such an overwhelming journey when we began our trip in June, but taking a day at a time, we planned our adventure and had a wonderful time. It has been great having no time constraints.

We have stood in awe of our snow-covered peaks and seen beauty in our deserts and the farmlands in the midwest. We have walked the beaches of our pacific coast, seen magnificent waterfalls and beautiful glacial rivers.

We have met people from all walks of life, many nationalities and faiths, and feel we have been placed in the pathway of those who have needed help in one way or another, words of encouragement or prayer.

We have enjoyed all the wild animals we have seen...the buffalo, elk, moose, antelope, black bear, long horn sheep. It has all been wonderful.

We have had a wonderful reunion with Ethan's family, as well as reunions with old friends we haven't seen for years.

Words cannot adequately express the feeling of thankfulness we have in our hearts. This is a trip we will never forget......and you can all look forward to being bored with hundreds of pictures!!

Thank you for following us on our adventure. It has been fun blogging. I never thought I could do to figure out how to get the pictures from the iPad to a disk!! Apple I come!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Hi mom and dad.... obviously you are doing well or more afraid of Ethan and me driving your car home? LOL! We are well and pray you are. Love you lots and we will always keep you in our prayers. XOXOX
    Ethan and Jackie
