Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rocky Mountain High, Colorado

August 5, 2011

We took two days to drive from Salt Lake City to Kremmling, CO. If you've never been to Kremmling, you haven't missed much. We actually found a very nice hotel there....very thankful for that.

Today, we spent our day at Rocky Mountain National Park. What a beautiful park. We saw a herd of elk--Ethan thinks there were around a hundred of them. I loved the wonderful green meadows at such a high wonder the elk love it there. The drive took us over 12,000 feet in some places. I'm sure the snow will not be melting. Even with the sun shining, the wind was so strong...and it was cold. Another park we will not forget.

Many of you reading this know Erik Pelton. Erik left Maine to live in the Denver area, so we gave him a call as we wanted to at least see him while we were in Denver. What a nice young man Erik is...he pretty much insisted that we come spend the weekend with him, so we are at Erik's apartment and plan to have a great weekend with him. His gift of hospitality comes naturally, I sure!

Today, August 6, has been a great day for us. We went to church with Erik, took him out to lunch, and then he took us to The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. What an amazing place! It's hard to believe all these hugh red rocks are in this one area with majestic green mountains surrounding them, and Pikes Peak in the far distance. It was just beautiful and such a contrast to the surroundings. We've had a wonderful time with Erik.

We feel like we're on top of the world! We are standing at 12,310 feet...highest we have ever been. Rocky Mountain NP is awesome!

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Pictures taken at Rocky Mt. National Park

We are at The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs...what an amazing outcropping of red rocks surrounded by all the magnificent high green mountains.

This rock is called Balanced Rock and weighs

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