Saturday, August 20, 2011

Shenandoah National Park

August 20, 2011

When we started our trip in June, the first park we wanted to visit was Shenandoah NP. We entered the park and went to the visitor's center. The weather was cold and rainy, and the forecast for the week was more of the same. Since we wanted to get out and do some walking to waterfalls, we decided to leave and return on our way home. we are again at Shenandoah National Park. The weather is sunny and warm today, and we are looking forward to a good day. The mountains are gentle and covered with trees, and we are reminded of home.....I think we are ready to end our summer-long journey.

We walked in to Dark Hollow Falls....a bit of a walk, but it was nice and cool. We saw a black bear walking up the river....on the opposite side from us. Wish he had come closer to the water so I could have taken a picture. The water in the river was low, so the falls were not full. It was still very pretty.

The views from the overlooks were beautiful, showing the valleys below and telling the history of the area. Skyline Drive is 105 miles long!

Pictures taken today in Shenandoah National Park.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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