Monday, August 15, 2011

Midwest USA

August 15, 2011

The last four or five days we have been meandering through the Midwest of our country....taking the "scenic route" as Ethan likes to call it. We have traveled through the small farm towns and seen the farmers hard at work. We've seen hundreds of acres of farmland with fruits, vegetables and grains growing, and have seen the farmers harvesting their crops. We've also seen hundreds more acres of open range with cattle grazing...also have enjoyed seeing the horses, antelope and buffalo.

I know I could not live in the flat, treeless farmland of the Midwest, but so thankful for all the hard working farmers who do live here to provide us with so much of our food. I'm sure we do not realize how hard they work for all of us.

We are now in Tennessee. We have left the open sky feeling behind us, and we're now enjoying the beautiful trees and rolling green hills. I have to say that I love it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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