Friday, August 12, 2011

Boot Hill Museum

August 11, 2011

Today we traveled through Kansas.....very flat and very hot! So thankful for the air conditioning in the car. We stopped in Dodge City for lunch and decided to tour the Boot Hill Museum. It was an interesting and fun walk through the cemetery and the replicas of the buildings. A lot of the furnishings were original, and the people in the stores and saloons were dressed in early 1800's garb.

It was a nice break in an otherwise boring drive. The flatland just about put us to sleep. Happy to be settled in for the night and will continue our trip fresh in the morning.

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Here's Ethan in jail....the original jail back in the 1800's!

Boot Hill Cemetery...given this name because the cowboys were buried with their boots on.

Location:Dodge City, Kansas

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