Monday, July 11, 2011

Glacier National Park

Today, July10, is our first full day at Glacier NP, and we have taken a bus to Avalanche Creek, and then hopped on another bus up to the Loop. The main road through the park--The Going-To-The-Sun road is closed because of the deep snow. So, we are now on a small bus going up as far as we can--another 8 miles. It is closed to cars. We will be dropped off so we can explore, and picked up later. The mountains are incredible--can't believe how much snow is up here. Getting off the bus soon, so will continue this later.

It's later....much later. It doesn't get dark here til around 10 p.m. It's 9 p.m. right now and the sun is shining bright!

We had a wonderful day. After being dropped off at the Loop, we hiked up the road two and a half miles to where the road was closed, and of course we had to come back to meet the bus! We met some very nice people from Texas, N. Carolina and Florida....exchanged stories and showed pictures.
The snow covered mountains were beautiful, and the waterfalls were spilling onto the road. We saw a bear up on the mountainside. Couldn't tell if it was a black bear or grizzly. People we met told us it was a was a small one, but glad it was up on the mountain and not too close.

Posting pictures of our adventure today...hope you enjoy them as much as
we enjoyed taking them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Another slip of the finger....didn't really mean to put Crazy Horse in the mix.
Scott will have to tell me how to delete these mistakes without deleting all of them!

When we got to this point, we saw the bear to the left of the snow and waterfall. He was up in the trees.

We made it to the point where the road was closed. Just a magnificent view from way up there!

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