Sunday, July 3, 2011

Yellowstone National Park

We got toYellowstone National Park this afternoon, (Saturday, July 2) but the drive to the park was just incredible. From Cody, WY west there were beautiful mountains and a winding road through an awesome pass. We stopped at the Buffalo Bill Dam, and then continued west.

There is still a lot of snow in Yellowstone. We had our lunch at a picnic area on Sylvan Lake with piles of snow around us. The view across the lake to the majestic snow covered mountains was so beautiful. It's hard to find the right words to describe what we have seen just today, and we haven't even started exploring the park yet. We passed buffalo grazing right off the road--boy they're big creatures!

We will be here for a week, and hope that will be enough time to see all we want to see. If not, oh well, we may need to stay longer.

Our Golden Geezer pass has paid for itself many times over already...what a blessing that is to not have to pay to get into the parks. One of the many perks for getting "older".

Ethan took this pictures from the Buffalo Bill Dam looking at the Buffalo Bill Reservoir.

At the picnic area by Sylvan Lake in Yellowstone. The wind was blowing like reason we look a little scary!!

Mr. Buffalo just off the road. Glad he was busy eating lunch!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad.


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