Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mount Ranier National Park and Mount St. Helen

July 21, 2011

Ever had something hanging over your head that you really would like to have disappear?

Well, we have had just that! They are called big gray clouds!

Yesterday, July 20, we arrived at Ranier NP. The entrance to the park was beautiful. We felt like we were driving down a corridor with stately Douglas Firs and Western Hemlocks in perfectly straight rows welcoming us. It was a very peaceful feeling.

We drove up the long winding road to the Paradis Visitor Center, hoping the big gray clouds would disappear by the time we arrived. On the way, we saw some awesome snow-covered peaks that were probably 5,000-6,000 feet.....but compared to the master of the park, they were dwarfs.

At the visitor's center, there was a lot of was at least 6 feet deep along the road, and people were snowshoeing and kids were playing in the snow. We never saw the top two-thirds of Mt. Ranier.

This morning, the fog was so thick and heavy, we didn't even try to go back up the mountain for another look. We left and headed to Mount St. Helen.

When we got to the Mount St. Helen Visitor Center, we were told that the mountain was in thick clouds. We decided to take the 47 mile trip up to the Observatory anyway, and sure enough......Mount St. Helen was in the clouds. We went into the observatory and watched the film on what happened back in 1980. It was an amazing film, and you can still see much of the devastation 31 years later. The film ended, the screen and curtain was raised and we looked out the expansive window showing the mountain......and the clouds were gone! What a gift! For about 10 minutes the mountain was clear, so we took some pictures we never thought we would be able to take....and we thanked God for the gift He gave us.

After seeing the devastation this volcano caused over many many miles, I was feeling very small and insignificant in this world. I am so thankful that I am not insignificant in God's eyes. After 31 years, the new trees cover the mountains and beautiful wild flowers are scattered over the land. The dead trees and stumps are still all around to remind you of what happened. I am still feeling very overwhelmed by what we saw today.

Pictures taken on the way up to see Mt. Ranier

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Another slip of the finger....this is the Waterton NP, Canada!

This fox came right up to Ethan.....sure he was looking for food.

Another slip up!!

I wish I could figure out how to delete pictures that are mistakes! Sorry!

Ethan has been wanting to see an elk up close.....FINALLY, he got up close and personal with this beauty. On the way down the mountain, a mama elk and her baby crossed the road right in front of us!

Another mistake....Yellowstone.

Mount St. Helen.

This is a beautiful waterfall on the road to Paradis visitor center in Ranier NP.


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