Friday, July 8, 2011

Old Faithful and Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces

I guess I'm a little behind in posting our exploring. I haven't had service for my iPad in some areas, so have gotten a little behind. I was sure I had entered a blog of Old Faithful, but I don't see it, so forgive me if you have read a posting and seen pictures already of the geysers.

We have never seen so many geysers before, and each one was a little different. Some were beautiful shades of blue and others were bubbling mud pots. Old Faithful was fun to erupts about every hour and half.

On Wednesday, July 6th, we drove up to Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces, not really knowing what to expect, and it is rather hard to explain. The other geysers we saw were on the flatlands, but we were on the mountains and all of a sudden we come upon bare white rock with water streaming over the edge. We were able to walk on boardwalks all over the mountain and see all the geysers and terraces that had been made from the hot waters spilling down the mountain was very interesting.

We also checked out two waterfalls nearby, and then headed back

Oops...put Old Faithful in the wrong place!! Fun to watch.

to W. Yellowstone. Our plan was to be back around 8 p.m., but that's not what happened! We were on a 14 mile stretch of road in the park through a beautiful pass and had gone maybe 4-5 miles when the traffic came to a standstill. Two and a half hours later we were in W. Yellowstone! Some people walked down the pass to see what was going was a herd of buffalo using the road to go down to the meadows. So they escorted us down the pass! It was dark when we got to the meadows, so we never got to see them!

Yesterday we explored the Madison River Canyon earthquake area. It was a 64 mile loop just outside the park, and it was beautiful. We stopped at the visitor's center and saw a short film on what happened in this area in 1959 when an earthquake, measured 7.5 on the Richter scale, changed the area drastically.

Yellowstone is an amazing place, and we have enjoyed our week here. We could have stayed longer, but as I write this, we are on our way to Glacier National Park. We will stay in Missoula, MT tonight and then travel up to Glacier tomorrow.

The kittle geyser is called Young Hopeful Geyser!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Just another picture of the betty all around us!

This geyser was not bubbling, but the colors of blue were beautiful.

This iPad is very sensitive...didn't really mean to put another picture of Old Faithful here!

One of the pictures taken at Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces. It's hard to see from the picture, but there is bubbling water at the top of the rock cascading down the mountain side.


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