Thursday, July 14, 2011

Westward Ho!

Today, July 14, is a traveling was yesterday. We left Spokane, WA this morning headed for North Cascades National Park. We have left the majestic peaks behind us and have been traveling through rolling farm land this morning. It is so pretty with the crops of alfalfa growing for acres and the small farm communities along the way. The scenery is very tranquil.

Within hours we will once again be in the mountains as we enter the National Park, and once again we are thanking our God for all He has given to all of us and for the opportunity we have to see all that He has created.

We stopped in Grand Coulee, WA to stretch legs and see the Grand Coulee Dam. It was completed in 1941 and to this day is the largest cement structure in the world. Harnessing the Columbia River, this dam supplies electricity to thousands, and irrigation to the farmlands.

I have never seen soooo many apple trees in my life! We just passed through Brewster, WA. There are acres and acres of orchards on both sides of the road. I will think of Brewster, WA every time I eat a Red Delicious apple!!

Stay tuned........

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