Monday, July 25, 2011

Redwoods National Park

July 25, 2011

After spending two days traveling down Oregon's beautiful coast, we made it to Redwood National Park in California.

Yesterday we spent the day walking through the redwoods. What a wonderful experience walking among these quiet giants of the forest. It was so a special sanctuary.

Many of the trees had been scarred by wildfires years ago, and were still alive. These trees towered over us at least 300 feet and many of them were at least 800 years old....some much older. We will never forget this part of our journey...if these trees could talk, what stories they would have for us.

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Oregon was beautiful, but the wind was so strong and cold.

This group of redwoods is called the Cathedral and many weddings each year take place in this peaceful setting.

I could not look up enough to get the top of this tree. Guess I should have laid flat on my was huge!

Can you believe the trunk of this tree...and it's not all in the picture!

Ethan has been looking in the woods for elk to no avail. So we have stopped for a picnic lunch yesterday and he is looking all through the meadows and high grass for elk, but there are none. Where do you suppose he saw them....on someone's lawn!

A mother whale and her baby came up the river near where we were staying in Crescent City, CA. The baby swam back to the ocean, but mama was still swimming around in the river. Ethan said it looks like she was about 40 feet long....a gray whale.


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