Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pike Place Fish Market

July 17, 2011

We spent this morning at Pike Place Market. Our first stop was to Pike's Fish Market. We had read several of the Pike's Fish Market books at work..."Catch" and "Fish" and I wanted to meet the crew. I was talking with one of the guys--I think his name was least I will call him Ernie.
We told him we were from Maine, and that I had read their books and was excited about seeing them in action.

Ernie said, "You should catch a fish."

So, he took off his apron and gave it to me. I went up behind the counter and the guys showed me how to catch a fish.....then they did their shouting and threw the fish up over the display counters! I actually caught it!! How much fun that was! They made my day for sure!

I gave Ernie back his apron and thanked him for making my day.

Location:Seattle, Washington

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