Friday, July 1, 2011

Traveling to Wyoming

We left South Dakota this morning. We had a wonderful time in SD...a beautiful state. As we traveled west, we saw snow capped mountains in the distance. It was Bighorn National Forest we were seeing, and as we got closer we realized that the road we were taking went through the southern part of the forest. It was just breath taking. We are so thankful and feel so blessed to be able to take this trip. Our God and Creator is awesome!!

We traveled through Powder River Pass in Bighorn National Forest, the elevation--9,666 ft., with patches of snow around us.

Ethan getting ready to throw a snow ball at me....he missed!

The mountains were just spectacular, and every turn down the mountain was different.

Looking back up the canyon. The river below was just raging and causing some flooding down stream.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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