Friday, July 8, 2011

Home Sweet Home.....away from home!

We have enjoyed our time at Yellowstone NP so much, and decided to camp at the KOA in W. Yellowstone while we were here. Our tent, (given to us by Jeremy a long time ago), has been great and we have used it for more years than I can remember. The first of the week, the zipper on the front door of the tent gave up in the middle of the night...the flap just collapsed to the floor and there was no fixing it,,,,we tried! Needless to say, we did not get much sleep the rest of the night. The temp was in the 30's and we were told that bears come roaming through the campground at night! Yikes!!

Well, the next day we went tent shopping and bought a new tent. It is 10'x14' and 7''s huge for us, but we love it. It's like living in a mansion! The next night after we got the tent up, a bear comes into the campground. He bumped our car (no damage) and set off the car alarm!
The last two nights, he has come by and set off our car alarm two times each night!!! Ethan heard him make a noise like he was disgusted that he couldn't get in the car! We didn't look out the window to check him out!

What are we going to do with this tent when we get home? We have a camper we really kids, if any of you want a nice tent that sleeps 9 people, we have just the tent for you to use!

Another slip of the finger, but worth seeing....actually pretty awesome.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

#1 camper by the new tent

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