Saturday, July 16, 2011

North Cascades National Park

Friday, July 15, 2011

As we travel to the different national parks in our country, we find each one to be such a blessing.

Today we spent our day in North Cascades NP in Washington. They had so much snow this year, there was still deep snow close to the road in some places. Many of the hiking trails are still snow covered in higher elevations.

The snow covered peaks were just awesome. The roads were lined with tall, lush, green trees, and in many places they provided a canopy over us as we drove along the road. With the snow covered mountains in the distance, it was truly a beautiful sight.

We saw some great waterfalls today, and took some short walks. After a long day of traveling yesterday, it was nice to take it easy today and enjoy our surroundings.

It's hard for us to believe that we have been away from home for a month now. As we look at the map, Maine seems so far away.....wait--it is far away!! We have enjoyed every day of our trip, and look forward each day.
May God bless each of you as He has blessed us.

Including a few of the pictures taken today in North Cascades NP.


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